If you haven’t heard of Francis lately, it’s not because General Foods isn’t important. It’s because Francis spoke these words shortly after World War II. In 1952, Time Magazine ran an article on “human resources” which followed the Francis quote by saying, “In that search, at midcentury, lies the finest […]
“You can’t see your true potential in the mirror, but you can study it on a highly reflective surface that is keenly sensitive to your true self — your heart. When I talk about your heart, I don’t mean the center of your emotions. Instead, I mean the steady place […]
Talking about religion is often seen as taboo in business. But not for some financial advisers. In fact, many of them argue that it’s crucial to speak with clients about their religion or spirituality, as a way to gain a full understanding of their financial goals. …To be sure, religion […]
Some more about starting with the Other Person’s Win: When we plan to help another person Win, does it matter whether we start with Intention or Action? The MBA part of my brain is laughing at the question: “Dude — ‘Help Someone Win’ is a big enough leap for most […]
I once reminded a client, “Don’t forget the Win/Win.” In her search for new ideas for her own business, she was about to schedule meetings with a dozen or more executives in other industries to see what insights she might glean from their experiences. “I know they accepted your […]
“The spiritual laws that govern human behavior have been articulated for thousands of yeasr by all the world’s religions and schools of philosophy,with remarkable consistency… The phrasing may be different, but the message is essentially the same: Love your neighbor, be honest, live in justice, control your impulses, avoid corrupation, […]
I firmly believe that the unrelenting pursuit of outward success is one of today’s chief sources of unhappiness. …[P]eople driven by success are rarely satisfied, no matter how high they climb-no accomplishment gives lasting satisfaction. Whenever they reach one level of success, they imagine yet another, higher level. The income […]