Errors come in two different categories: (1) doing a wrong thing and (2) failing to do the right thing. We call these “errors of commission” and “errors of omission.” In general, managers worry more about doing the wrong thing than they do about failing to do the right thing, even […]
As a resident of Durham, North Carolina, I live in a diverse and international community that blends into the culture of a southern state, full of residents whose families have been here for generations. Fifty years ago, when the population of Durham NC was almost entirely southern and Christian, Jesus […]
“You are doing many things here in this struggle. You are demanding that this city will respect the dignity of labor. So often we overlook the work and the significance of those who are not in professional jobs, of those who are not in the so-called big jobs. But let […]
“It’s pretty good, but it isn’t great.” My CEO client was looking at the plans for a product launch event. His staff had done all the prep and they were excited to get started as soon as he gave the go-ahead. Problem was, he liked the plan but he knew […]
You run a business but you don’t do math? Uh-oh. Profit’s a-leaking. Math = Money. The Profit Equation for Small Business Owners is the workshop for YOU if you’re a Professional or Small Business Owner who needs to (a) SELL services, (b) PRICE services and products, and/or (c) PAY for things […]
It’s hard to fit spirituality into your workday. You can “make time” for prayer or meditation between meetings and tasks — and this is a good thing. But better yet: stop trying to fit spirituality into your workday. Instead, make your workday part of your spirituality! In this workshop, you’ll […]
A Hasid comes to see his Rabbi: “Rebbe, I had a dream that I was the leader of 300 Hasidim. What should I do?” The Rabbi replies, “Come back when 300 Hasidim have a dream that you are their leader.” ——— Image: Isroel Hopsztajn, Magid from Kozienice. Source: National Library of […]