To want to own a restaurant can be a strange and terrible affliction. What causes such a destructive urge in so many otherwise sensible people? Why would anyone who has worked hard, saved money and often been successful in other fields want to pump his hard-earned cash down a hole […]
Monthly Archives: May 2008
I just read an great article by online marketing consultant Donna Gunter: 10 Secrets to Asking for Effective Client Testimonials for Your Website. Her tips are more sophisticated than most free web advice on writing testimonials, and I think she’s generally spot on.* I especially like her Secret No. 9: […]
Some people confuse asking for a sale with asking for a favor. And because they think they don’t deserve the favor, or don’t want to feel in someone else’s debt, they don’t ask. That’s just stupid. If you sell something valuable at a fair price to someone who can use […]
Something I was reminded of this week: One overlooked bonus of keeping your marketing materials concise is that there are fewer opportunities for typos. :-)
Three numbers you should know: the cost of customer acquisition, cost of customer retention, and value of a customer. Also, know the difference between your average cost/value and your customer-specific cost/value. Average cost/value is useful for planning and projecting. But for management and strategy, you’ll want to know customer-specific cost […]
Alien Skin Software is not a normal company. Sure, we like money. Send us as much as you want. But our most important goal is to enjoy our lives. Since we spend way the hell too much time working, we try to find ways to make work fun.– Alien Skin […]
Gather enough data and do enough analysis to make a good decision. Then decide. Then act. There are many famed quotes on the theme of “how much is enough”: Lore has it that someone once asked Abraham Lincoln, “How long should a man’s legs be?” and that he answered “Long […]