Dear Reader,
I think we’re meant to love our work – our careers, vocations. I think we’re meant to have jobs that let us do good, and have fun, and make money. If you’re still reading what I’ve been typing, I’ll bet you feel the same way – or at least something close.
Life is too precious for jobs that suck.
Is it time for a change with your work? Are you looking for a new job, or a new career, or even a new business? Would you like to boost the odds that you’re looking for something that will truly reward you? And boost the odds that you’ll get what you’re looking for?
I’d love to help you if I can.
First, let me share a couple of things I believe about careers and business. ONE: your career needs to fit YOU. Otherwise, you probably won’t succeed. Or if you do, you won’t like the rewards. TWO: a deeply rewarding career will match you on these three fronts : your business will reflect your values; your daily tasks (and the environment you work in) will have more of the things you like than the things you don’t; and your job will need you to do things that you’re good at. Does that make sense to you? If so, read on.
If you want help figuring out your career options – where you and can, and how you can get there… If you’re ready to dig deep into your values, your likes, and your strengths because you know they’re important for figuring out What’s Next… And especially if you’re guided as much by your heart as you are by your head… Let’s talk.
Career Strategy Consults for Individuals
Spring Blossom Special: Three-session packages normally priced at $600 now offered for $299 if purchased by March 10.For more about my work and me, please visit
Phil Marsosudiro – 17 years of helping business owners and professionals figure out where they want to go, and how they plan to get there.